Mixing Room
Inspired by the Iron Fairies fable created by design maverick AshleySutton, Mixing Room by Iron Fairies transports guests to explore a different portal deep into the underground iron ore beneath the ground.
Visit The Mixing RoomInspired by the Iron Fairies fable created by design maverick AshleySutton, Mixing Room by Iron Fairies transports guests to explore a different portal deep into the underground iron ore beneath the ground. Exploring the dimly-lit caves with flickering flames, lighting up the mysterious bar embellished with over 22,00 hanging glass bottles on display. Each bottle holds a unique surprise on its own. Ashley Sutton’s latest creation continues his creative streak to marvel at, infused with rich storytelling narrative inspired from Sutton’s own Fairy Casting Formula Book where Mixing Room’s design details are authentically interpreted into real life at the nightlight haven.